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Your products are the goods that you sell and the key building blocks of services. You add a product in ZaveIT by entering product details and uploading product images or by importing from external systems. If your product requires additional information from the customer or you want to connect it to an integration, this can easily be configured to the product.

When you are adding a product or updating a product, you can make the product available to one or more of your sales channels.

You can manage discounts on products by creating campaigns or by giving individual discounts to your managed customers.

You view, add, update, and organize all of your products from the Products page in ZaveIT.


We’re transitioning to a new UI, and are in the process of updating our ZaveIT Documentation content.

Building a product

When creating a new product, you can easily begin by clicking the Create New Product button and then proceed to fill out the form. Below, you'll find an explanation of the steps involved and the various fields to be filled in.

Products View

Steps to build a new product

  1. In the Products tab of E-commerce, click on the New product and then Create product.
  2. Enter Name, SKU (product number), and Description for the new product.
  3. In Product settings, choose whether the switches Active and Subscription should be turned on.
  4. Under Prices add value for Period, Billing cycle, Min qty, Max qty, Cost price, and Retail price.
  5. Add your needed user inputs under Custom fields needed (optional).
  6. If the service needs any built-in features, select the needed features under the Features tab.
  7. Under Advanced settings, you can select regional settings, input type, integration and management URL and consumption.
  8. Click Save changes to complete the creation of the product.

You will now see the newly created product in your Products list


For detailed information about each tab in the product create/edit modal, see sub-pages to this page.

Managing products

In addition to creating products, you can also edit, clone and delete products.

Steps to edit a product

  1. Go to the Products tab in e-commerce, find your product, and click on it in the table.
  2. A modal for editing the product will open. Here, you can make the changes you want.
  3. After you've made your desired modifications, click on Save changes to save the updated information.

Your product is now updated with the preferred changes.

Steps to clone a product

  1. Go to the Products tab on the e-commerce platform and find your product.
  2. On the right side of the product records, click on the context menu (three dots) and select Clone.
  3. A new product modal will appear with all the settings from the source product filled in.
  4. Do your preferred changes and click Save changes

Watch the cloned product appear in the product list


You are required to give the cloned product a unique name.

Steps to delete a product

  1. Go to the Products tab on the e-commerce platform and find your product.
  2. On the right side of the product records, click on the context menu (three dots) and select Delete.

Watch that the product has disappeared from your product list


You can't delete a product that's currently being used in a service. To delete a product linked to a service, start by removing the product from the service before attempting to delete it. When products are linked to a service, this is shown in the Service Association tab in the product list.