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The ZaveIT WebShop includes a structured Categories system, allowing customers to browse products efficiently based on predefined product groups. Categories help streamline navigation and improve the overall shopping experience.


How to Use Categories

On the left-hand side of the Product Shop page, customers will find the Categories Menu. This menu organizes products into relevant groups, making it easier to locate specific items.

How Categories Work

  1. Click on a category in the menu.
  2. The product list automatically updates to display only products within the selected category.
  3. Customers can navigate between categories to explore different product types.
  4. The total number of products in each category is displayed next to the category name.

Example Use Cases

🖥 Browsing Laptops

  1. Click Laptops in the Categories menu.
  2. The product listing updates to display only laptops.
  3. Customers can further refine results using additional filters.

🎧 Finding Accessories

  1. Select Accessories from the menu.
  2. View all peripherals and add-ons available in the webshop.

Configuring Categories

Categories in the WebShop are predefined and structured based on product types.
When adding or editing a product in the Products section of the platform, you can assign it to one or more categories.

If needed, administrators can:

  • Modify category assignments when editing a product.
  • Ensure correct categorization during mass import via CSV by setting up an import profile.