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The Users tab within the account card provides a list of all individuals who are linked to the respective account.

Within the tab's table view, users can conduct searches, implement filters based on specific criteria, and arrange the user data in a desired order through sorting options.

This approach to managing user information offers users a convenient and efficient means to organize their associated account members.


Creating a new user

When initiating the creation of a new user through the user's tab within the account card, it's important to note that the user being generated is specifically and solely intended for the associated account.

Steps to create a new user

  1. Begin by clicking on the Create user button located in the upper-right corner of the user's table.
  2. Provide the necessary user details, including the first name, last name, username, and phone number in the provided fields.
  3. Select the appropriate role for the user from the available options in the role dropdown menu.
  4. Indicate whether the user should be designated as active or inactive within the system.
  5. Once all details are entered and options are selected, finalize the process by clicking the Create button.

Modify an existing user

Within the user's tab located on the account card, you can make changes to existing users. This functionality serves various purposes, including the ability to modify user attributes such as name, username, phone number, role, and status. Additionally, it extends to the modification of user authentication methods.

Steps to modify an existing user

  1. Within the user table, select the specific user by clicking on their entry, prompting the user modal to open.
  2. Adjust the user settings as per your preferences.
  3. Once modifications are complete, click the Save button.

Modifications using the user context menu

You can make modifications using the context menu, indicated by three dots located to the right of each user record.

Within this menu, you can edit user details, deactivate the user, or choose complete deletion if needed.


  • The username should accurately represent a valid email address.
  • During the user creation process, a default authentication method is automatically established utilizing the default email (username) provided.
  • The roles presented in the role dropdown correspond to the predefined roles established within the system's standard configuration, ensuring that you can conveniently assign the most suitable role to each user.