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General Information

The General Information tab in Order Details gives you essential info about the order. It shows the order's status, payment method, order date, delivery date, and timestamps for creation and updates.

This tab offers a handy snapshot of the order's present condition, payment method, crucial dates, and timestamps. It makes it easy for you to keep tabs on and handle orders effectively within the system. This data is valuable for tracking the order's journey and history.

General Information

Update Order General Information

If there's a need to modify the order's general information, such as the order date, delivery date, or payment method for a subscription, we can certainly make those adjustments.

Steps to update general information

  1. Navigate to the Order Details.
  2. Locate the General Information section.
  3. Click on the Edit option in the corner of the General Information block.
  4. Select your preferred settings.
  5. Don't forget to hit Save to confirm your changes.


  • Status: Indicates the current state of the order. Read more about order statuses.
  • Payment Method: Specifies the method of payment selected for this order. At this moment, only Invoice is supported.
  • Order Date: Displays the date when the order was created or initiated.
  • Delivery Date: This field would indicate the date when the order has been delivered to the customer.
  • Created: Shows the date and time when the order was initially created
  • Updated: Indicates the most recent date and time when the order was modified or updated