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The ZaveIT Platform can integrate into various other systems and applications. An integration is used to connect the Platform to collect, share, deploy, and automate to sell a service.


Adding an integration

When adding an integration, it's important to configure it properly. You can kickstart the process by clicking on the Add Integration button, and this action will trigger a wizard to open up. Once the wizard is up and running, you'll have the opportunity to select the integration type that suits your needs. From there, you can input all the integration properties, including the title, integration worker, credentials, and any other necessary settings. This ensures that your integration functions smoothly and seamlessly.


The fields and functions of the integration can vary based on the type of integration.

Steps to add an integration

  1. Navigate to the Integrations tab in your Account Settings.
  2. Click on the Add Integration button.
  3. Choose the type of integration that best fits your requirements.
  4. Enter various integration details, which typically include:
    1. Title: Assign a clear and descriptive name or title to your integration.
    2. Integration Worker: Specify the worker or process responsible for managing this integration.
    3. Credentials: Depending on the specific integration, you might need to provide authentication credentials.
    4. Additional Settings: Certain integrations may require additional configuration settings.
  5. Finally, click the Save button to save your integration settings.

Congratulations! Your integration is now configured and ready to go. It should function smoothly and seamlessly

Modifying an integration

In some cases, you might find yourself needing to tweak the configuration of an integration. This could be because of changes in credentials or other reasons.

Steps to modify an integration

  1. Go to the Integrations tab in your Account Settings.
  2. Find the integration you want to modify and click on the Configure button for it.
  3. Adjust the integration details, which typically include:
    1. Title: Give your integration a clear and descriptive name.
    2. Integration Worker: Specify the worker or process responsible for managing this integration.
    3. Credentials: Depending on the specific integration, you might need to provide authentication credentials.
    4. Additional Settings: Some integrations may require additional configuration settings.
  4. Once you've made the necessary changes, don't forget to hit the Save button to save your updated integration settings.

Your integration is now modified and should work smoothly and seamlessly with the changes you've made.

Testing integration

The integration comes equipped with a handy self-testing feature. Once you hit the Configure button, you'll spot a nifty Test button right next to it. Give that button a click, and it will initiate an integration test.

During this test, we're essentially checking if everything is playing nice with each other. This means we're logging into the system and maybe doing a few other behind-the-scenes tasks within the target application.

The end result? You'll receive a pretty accurate assessment of whether your integration has been set up properly or if there are any hiccups along the way. So, it's like a quick litmus test for your integration's health. Cool, right? 😎

Integration Workers

An integration may call for the installation and integration of a Worker. In many instances, the platform offers pre-built cloud workers that you can readily employ. You get to pick one of these.

A worker facilitates the secure exchange of data between the integration and the ZaveIT Platform. This is achieved through the use of HTTPS sockets, which guarantee secure communication without necessitating any firewall configurations on the customer's end.

For an MSP (Managed Service Provider), the deployment of one or multiple workers depends on the intricacies of the network infrastructure they are dealing with.

Once a worker has been successfully installed, you will have the option to select it when you are in the process of setting up the Integration within the ZaveIT Platform.


Some of the integration might require authorization and/or credentials to install. It's advisable to liaise with your IT administrator when finalizing these automation configurations.