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The Products settings page allows you to configure SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) settings for newly created products. This feature helps standardize product identification by automatically generating SKU numbers based on predefined rules.

Products Settings

SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) Generator

The SKU generator assigns a default SKU to new products based on the configured settings. You can customize SKU numbers by adding optional prefixes and postfixes, as well as defining a starting SKU number.

Configuring SKU Settings

To set up the SKU generator:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Products.
  2. Under the SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) section, configure the following:
    • Prefix (Optional) – Define a prefix to be added before the SKU number

      (e.g., "ZIT" will result in SKU ZIT10033).

    • Starting SKU – Set the initial SKU number for new products. This number will increment automatically for each new product.
    • Postfix (Optional) – Define a postfix to be appended after the SKU number (e.g., 10033MYPSF).
  3. Click Save to apply the changes or Discard to cancel.

SKU Generator Behavior

  • The SKU generator is only used when no SKU is defined during product creation or product import.
  • Users are free to enter any SKU they want, regardless of whether the SKU generator is active.
  • If an SKU is manually set during product creation, the generator will not override it.
  • You can freely modify the SKU of created products, even if the SKU was initially generated by the system.

Additional Settings

  • Only one SKU configuration can be active at a time.
  • You can click Add SKU settings to create alternative SKU configurations for future use.